This pandemic is a bitch!

 That statement is far from new and further from not maintaining its relevance. It has affected everyone. From offices being closed, to working full time at home whilst babysitting AND taking on the role of home room teacher, principle, and warden. Others, like me, are able to return to work. But the salon industry has taken a major hit. I’m going to share with you an inside perspective of what’s going on, how we’re hurting, and learning to adapt to the new hairdresser normal. Pandemic aside, it’s the summer. And summers suck for hairdressers. Perhaps I’ll just speak for myself and my experience. In a normal world, clients are on vacation, hair is always up, the kids are always home, and maybe it’s just too hot sometimes to ‘run errands’. Business typically slows between the end of June (when schools are out) and the end of August (before school starts up). It’s workable for me though - I enjoy some of the lulls as I normally carry a heavy work load. However, when you factor in the summer, with a pandemic, business suffers even more! People aren’t comfortable leaving their homes and it’s completely understandable. In fact I have declined all opportunities for house calls due to the fact that I don’t always know how safe one has been. In my mind, my station at work is probably more virus free than most people‘s homes. Lol. How would we ever know for sure? We won’t. Because who is hiring a virologist to collect the samples? Like any business or home, Ferro Salon is doing the best we can sans hazmat suits. I can only speak of my salon, as I’m there everyday, but the feedback from guests is that we have gone above and beyond. Personally, I’ve made it my priority! To be honest, I could care less about the virus as it pertains to my health but care deeply about how a forced 14 day quarantine pertains to my paychecks. Not to mention, I have an obligation to all my clients to stay healthy and be at work for them! Be it covid or poison ivy lol. Which actually has happened courteous of nature adventures. So, what have we done and what are we doing. I won’t lie, PPE is expensive. Most companies have added a charge to compensate that cost as additional overhead, when business is already down, is an unwelcome expenditure. What are you getting for that whopping $5 fee you may ask? Well:• Station divider installations. • Disposable masks.• Hand sanitizer in every nook and cranny.• Thermometer for temperature checks.• New robes and capes to make certain each client has a fresh set.• Disinfectant spray for each station. • Cleaning solution for each station.• Paper towels for each station.• Gloves for each client are available.To name a few. Upon entry, mandatory temperature checks and immediate use of our provided hand sanitizer as well as a mask check. Social distancing inside the salon but 6 feet is separated by dividers. Only 2 shampoo bowls are used at a time (super annoying I won’t lie, but it’s absolutely necessary). Every single time a client exits my chair, ALL tools and surface areas are wiped and disinfected. That includes brushes, combs, and scissors. Most of the time, even if they haven’t been used, I’ll hit them again. On top of that, I am offering no blowdry ‘sidewalk cuts’ and root only color applications outside the salon doors. That’s not for everyone but an option for those who want to feel very safe.  Truthfully, what we’ve done is probably more than most doctors offices or any other businesses. I had a recent consult with a doctor and I have to say, I didn’t see one person wipe a damn thing while I was there. And grocery stores? Forget about it - I’ve been to a few. Lord only knows how many covid fingers have touched my produce. An apple a day won’t keep covid away! With that said my business couldn’t operate without soap. We are surrounded by detergents. That’s the very foundation of what I do haha. What’s really crazy, is with all that Ferro Salon has done, I don’t see us redacting any measures even as we enter new phases. Our new normal could very easily be dividers. I can’t guarantee anyone’s safety. That’s just a fact for everyone. What I can guarantee, is a promise of our best effort. My best effort!I share this with you so you can feel a little better. Be it with me or any salon. Most restaurants and salons have done an incredible job as we are the most vulnerable for survival. Asking your hairdresser for a house call hurts the company they work for. I mean, if you don’t like or appreciate their salon... then I guess who cares. Some hairdressers don’t care.  But, my recent success and my safety is because of Ferro Salon and I owe it to the business to be as loyal to them as they have been to me and my clients. As we move forward in this new climate I respect, understand, and maintain my new responsibilities and have always, and will always, keep an open dialogue. I appreciate all the messages of support and concern and will continue my vigilance in this very sensitive time.

 All the love and safety -JP

Erin Clott